It's happening. Living the dream of the ECC. It's a rainy day in Californ-i-a. Hangin' with some sistas from anotha mista on this fine Sunday evening (12/16/18). My bowl was being a diva with the spotlight, so you cannot see the brown rice lookin' all nice and cozy with the chicken, mild salsa, creamy sour, smooth guac-a-mol-eh, and let of the tuce. 255 days to go. Time is cruisin'. Enjoying it! #ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #getmsebbeonyourshow #chipotle #challenge #educator #educatorcc #chipinforeducation #michelleobama #oprah #arewesupposedtocapitalizeeachwordinhashtags
Kala Ebbe