ECC Day 183 out of 365 - over halfway - with support of the 28 people who were able to physically make it, and many others who showed their support from afar. Thank you SO much! Loved yesterday’s so much, I got the same for today: Burrito with white rice, honey, chicken, mild, sour cream, lettuce
Help me give back to educators & students by donating to the ECC Fundraiser - ; share on your social media using the following hashtags, especially related to #ellen #GetMsEbbeOnYourShow; submit your own Educator Shout Out on the website! Fill out your @chipotle survey - enters you to win Chipotle for one year. I would be thrilled if you win!
#ChipInForEducation #EllenDegeneres #TheEllenShow #EllenShow #love #challenge #chipotle #fundraiser #GiveBack #MichelleObama #oprah #brenebrown #educator #educators #ShoutOut #yolo #YoloCounty #SchoolCounselor #SchoolCounselorLife #SchoolCounseling #HopeDealer #BeTheChange #MentalHealth #PhysicalHealth #educatorcc